The Seven Principles of All Existence

  1. The first principle is based in the existence of the all-embracing spirit of the creational, all-enlivening spirit, in that which is spiritual, physical and conscious, and thus in everything spiritual and material
  2. The second principle is based on the equality and equal value of all things which are spiritual, physical and conscious, thus all things which are spiritual, as well as those which are material, exist in equality and in equal value.
  3. The third principle is the all-universal and all-existential vibration of all forms of that which is spiritual, physical and conscious, and thus in everything spiritual and material.
  4. The fourth principle is the bipolarity of all things in everything which exists, and thus the existence of opposite poles in all spiritual and material values and factors in its togetherness.
  5. The fifth principle is the consonance of all things in the spiritual, physical and conscious, and thus in everything spiritual and material.
  6. The sixth principle is the law of the connection of all occurences and events which come about, so, therefore, in that which is spiritual, physical and conscious, and thus given in everything spiritual and material.
  7. The seventh principle is that of the all-embracing evolution of all things of all existence in the spiritual, physical and conscious, and thus in everything spiritual and ma

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