Author Archives: Lorence Juguilon

Proclamation of the Plejaren

Proclamation of the Plejaren Committee   1.   The flying devices/aircraft called UFOs by the human beings of Earth have nothing to do whatsoever with us Plejaren and our flying devices/aircraft.   2.   The flying devices/aircraft of the ‘strangers’ as well as the incidents of any kind concerning them, which have arisen or will continue to […]

The Might of Music

Excerpt from Contact report 634: Ptaah: Of course I can, and so I want to explain the following: There are many types of music, such as aggressive, frightening, provocative, buoyant,malicious, exciting, humiliating, gloomy, delightful, dangerous, violent, horrifying,harmonious, humorous, jubilant, combative, warlike, boring, lovely, loving, murderous,coercing, unconscious, paranoid, psychopathic, riotous, revolting, creeping, longing, sensual,falling in love, […]

Creation Energy (archaically known as Spirit)

Spirit: Being of creative energy and Creation itself. The all-becoming, all-creative and all-stimulating. The Ur-Energy of all BEING = Spiritenergy = Spiritform = immortal. The spirit is an idea itself, concentrated to spiritual-energy in itself. The spirit is a Creation of the Creation itself in order help itself to evolve to a higher level. The […]


The human being has something in his/her spirit-consciousness and in his/her material consciousness that fundamentally first makes them into the human being, so namely, their rationality, their intellect, their sageness and their morals. All these factors together one names RATIO. If now the word RATIO is employed in the future in the study material instead […]