Forms of Evolution

Forms of Evolution

Creation evolutionSpirit-energetical evolution of Creation  
Conscious evolution of the consciousnessOnly the human being evolves by means of the conscious evolution of the consciousness  
Instinct evolutionLife-forms of animals and other creatures  
Impulse evolution
Adaptation evolution, respectively, assimilation evolution
Plant life-forms
Energy evolution
Transformation evolution, respectively, conversion evolution         
Sand, stones, crystals, gasses, liquids, etc.  
Compatibility evolution and mutation evolution    
Bacterium, bacillus, virus  
Intelligence evolution
(not to be equated with the human beings’ consciousness-evolution)  
Higher species of animals, such as apes, dolphins, horses, ravens, pigs, goats, parrots, buffalo and other kinds of cattle, bears, camels, donkeys, beasts of prey, elephants, dogs, cats, sheep, and so forth.  


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