What is PSI? PSI is a multinational haven for a global community dedicated to the evolution of consciousness and the betterment of humanity. Where innovation, creativity, science, research, education, community and application of the natural laws of the universe join to create advanced and further evolved human beings.

PSI was originally founded in 2011 as Praetor-Sin-Industries by Jedaiah Ramnarine (Jedi Reach), later to be renamed to Private Sector Intelligence and finally, Peace Seeking Intelligence. The foundation of PSI was structured on a true scientific approach, research and application of the natural laws of reality for practical and evolutionary benefit. The goal of PSI was to uncover and make use of advanced knowledge for the creation of evolved human beings in practically all walks of life and range of interests, including but not limited to; astronomy, biology, medicine, math and logic, creative arts, philosophy, engineering, technology, social studies, psychology, sociology, consciousness related studies, media, gaming, propaganda studies and much more.  

The acronym PSI represents factors relating to psychology, psyche, consciousness and fine-material and immaterial; fine-energetic forces. PSI acts as a safe haven and docking station for the evolved, and those striving to evolve to the highest relative perfection of their lives utilizing the knowledge and wisdom of the Universal Consciousness and its laws and recommendations. ​PSI is a global-multilateral lifestyle, creative and digital intelligence network. The PSI Cortex is PSI’s Discord server which operates as the connecting base of operations where members are free to engage in whichever sections suits them best, and, or, support or contribute toward PSI activities and initiatives.